Sunday, May 14, 2006


Hey everyone,

Just so you all know Carla and I are still alive and kicking. We just spent a wonderful slow and quiet week in Pai, in northern Thailand, after a quick jaunt through the north of Laos. I promise to tell you all about the tubing, tarzan ropes, getting stuck at the border, crystal clear waterfall, buddha cave, speed boat, lot cave, cooking class and elephant riding when I get over my two week hang-over....and finish this beer (just kidding mom!, it's all about the culture).

Off to discover the Chiang Mai nightlife. Updates coming soon....promise.

later, R

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robin & Carla:
Hey - as long as you are alive and healthy, the beer is probably well pastuerized and is nutrious to boot! Glad you survived the speed boat ride - sounded hair-raising.
Love you..
Mommmy Coull