Monday, May 22, 2006

Photos of S-21 Prison in Phenom Penh (formerly a school)

The graves of the last 11 victims of the Khmer Rouge found in the prison and burried on site.
Sculls of the victims of the prison were kept and their ages reccorded. Children as yound as 4 years old were belived to have been kept there, along with women, elderly and men of all government and military ranks and professions.
All prisoners were numbered and their photos were taken. Normally the number is pinned to their clothing, it seems this boy had no shirt.
A view of two holding cells from the window outside.
A torture room where a prisoner was found after the regime fled.
The exterior hallway of the school/ prison, preserved as it was found so many years ago.
Some of the photos of prisoners killed. I couldn't bring myself to photograph the wall of children, ony apologize to their images.
A picture of Pol Pot destroyed by visitors to the museum. And rightly so.

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