Sunday, June 11, 2006

Leaving Thailand

So Carla and I are still in Krabi. We managed against all good intentions to stay out last night intil 5am and were promtly woken up by drilling in our hotel at 9:30 this am. I was steaming as the lady at the desk promised the paint fumes would not waft up the stairs until 11am. She didn't say anything about drilling!! So we're working hard getting pics up for you all today and have discovered "paradise island" in Malaysia and will go on a two day mission to get down there, leaving tomorrow am. We have resolved to put our pics up on ofoto, as our site isn't fast enough to upload them, so we will be sending you all invites to view them. If by chance you don't get one, let us know thru email or comments and we'll pass them along. It's possible we don't have everyones email adresses. So I hope everyone checks them out, as I am torturing Carla right now making her write captions and actually sit at a computer for more than 20 minutes.

So wish us luck on our way to Malaysia and we will send you an update upon arrival...


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