Monday, February 06, 2006

Another sunny afternoon....

Another gorgeous ay here on Koh Tao island. Carla and I both seperately managed to get a bit too much sun yesterday, and are exhausted by the heat here do i miss air-conditioning. So last night was relatively calm we hung out and watched Old School while eating dinner with our Lara and Gareth, a nice couple from Liverpool. Gareth and Jeff are doing ther first ocean dive today, and we are planning to tag along on the boat and do a bit of snorkelling. It is suposed to be a lovely spot.

I swam yesterday in the ocean for hours, by myself (for all those of you who know i never swim alone: cured!), and had a wonderful relaxing afternoon. Had drinks with Vicky, an Aussie who just arrived on the island yeaterday, and Lara, and ate mexican for lunch (such a tourist spot). The atmosphere here is so relaxed because it is so hot that lounging in the shade is a huge part of our day.

Anyways, we are off to catch our boat, and see some fish...Jeff is hoping for a black tipped reef shark, I can't say I have the same thought.

Keep the emails, and comments coming, we'd love to hear from you all!