Tuesday, February 28, 2006

We're hanging out in a little bar in Trat with a huge aquarium including kissing fish right now, I tried hard to get pictures of the fish making out until the batteries ran out, to no avail. So far we're liking it here, although the locals do stare and we hear the word "farang" (sometimes just refers to a westerner, but often in a negative way) from many people. We went to a nice waterfall, the day market and the night market today, we've been busy. It's nice that it's not too touristy here so all the prices are better, although we hardly buy anything cause we don't want to carry it around. We leave the day after tomorrow but Jade's threatening leaving in the morning, we've been kept up at night by the most annoying bird on the face of the earth, Jade and I have vowed to kill this thing with our bare hands if we ever run into it. So Damien will accompany us to Hat Lek, where we cross into Cambodia, and then on to Shinoukville (not sure of the spelling if anyone's actually looking it up. By the way, we are trying to figure out somehow to put a link to a map up so you can see where we are but you'll have to be patient cause it's not easy. So, hopefully next time we write we can include some beautiful pictures of all the temples in Cambodia....... until then. Carla
P.S. We never got your e-mail Tyler so you're the bitch!!!! If you want to write us it's carlaskuce@hotmail.com and urcoull@hotmail.com

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