Sunday, February 26, 2006

Last night on Ko Chang


Carla and I are still here on KoChang with Damien and Jade in tow. Rained like razy all last night and all mornig, and I was sure our raised bungalow was going to wash away, as we are right on the water. We were suposed to go on a four island snorkelling tour, but no such luck with the weather. Oh well, as soon as the sky cleared we headed out elephant trecking in the jungle. Walked thru a river as well. Not that it had much water. It is dry season here (really its not suposed to rain at all) and so many of the rivers and waterfalls are dry. Too bad, because that is the draw of this National Park Island, the natural sights and rainforest. Oh well. Gorgeous here anyhow.

So tomorrow am we are heading back to the mainland to Trat, where we will stay for a couple of days. It sounds like a less touristy place than the islands, which will be nice and has some gorgeous beaches all along the coast. We will do some snorkelling there for sure. So our plan is to stay in Thailand untill our Visas run aout, the 2nd of March and then off to Cambodia. So excited! I have been reading about it for a couple days now, I can't wait.

later. R.

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